1. Discover the Roots of Revelation
- Revelation isn’t just a standalone book; it’s deeply connected to the rest of the Bible. Think of Daniel, Ezekiel, and Zechariah as treasure maps that lead you to understand Revelation better. But here’s the thing – almost every book in the Bible hints at what Revelation unfolds. These connections are like the roots feeding a tree, making Revelation grow clearer in your mind. We’ll dive into Revelation, but we’ll also explore these root scriptures to get the full picture.
2. Join Me on This Learning Adventure
- I’m not a scholar with a biblical degree; I’m just like you, someone curious about the Bible. Starting in 2019 I began to focus a lot of my study on Revelation. I’m inviting you to join me on this journey. Let’s learn together in a friendly space where we help each other out.
3) If you understand all the mysteries of Revelation at the end of this study it won’t be because you learned it from me. I don’t have that breadth of knowledge, so I can’t dispense it. However, it is also possible that you will know more about Revelation at the end than you know now.
3. Grow in Understanding, Not Perfection
- By the end of our study, if you grasp all the secrets of Revelation, it won’t be just because of me. I’m still learning too! But I bet you’ll end up knowing a lot more than you do now. The goal is to grow, not to know it all.
4. Time to Explore Revelation Together
- Too many of us have skipped over Revelation, thinking it’s too tough or controversial. But it’s part of God’s word, and it’s time we dive in. Let’s tackle this together, starting now!
Thanks for tuning in! Join me next time in Episode 2: “Order Is In God’s Nature.”
Make sure to come back, share your thoughts, and let’s unravel the mysteries of Revelation with curiosity, not fear.
Hi, I’m Jon Nettles. I’m just a regular guy with a family and a small business, but I love the Book of Revelation. I’m not a trained academic, but I’m learning more every day, and you can too. Come with me on this cool adventure into Revelation. I guarantee you will be blessed as you learn!
Revelation is Like a Tree with Roots and Fruit
Think of Revelation like a tree that is supported and fed by roots and it produces fruit.
The roots are hundreds of references to other parts of the Bible that point to the meaning of what we are reading. When you see the Tree of Life in Revelation, you can learn more about it by studying when it also appears in the Garden of Eden in Genesis. These clues, or “roots,” make figuring out Revelation much simpler than it seems at first!
You might be surprised to learn that much of Revelation is like low hanging fruit that is easy to understand. Instead of trying to figure out every little detail just focus on the theme. I would say a key theme for the book is life may get hard but we must stay faithful to Jesus no matter what and we will receive an eternal reward. That’s not very complicated is it. Another fruit is that Revelation has a guaranteed blessing for every one that reads it!
Key Themes of Revelation
Revelation reveals how God plans to bless people from all over the world who love Jesus. He doesn’t make us love Him; it’s our choice to love or not. If we choose to love and worship Him, we get to live with God forever.
We’re part of the winning team, so even when life gets rough, keep going! Sure, Christians know we have eternal life, but we still face tough stuff now. We’ve got to keep our faith strong. Revelation tells us to stick with our beliefs no matter what. And if we do, there are awesome rewards waiting for us forever. Staying faithful means we trust only in Jesus – He’s all we need!
Why Do Some People Avoid Revelation?
A lot of folks think there are things in the way of reading Revelation, but these are only problems if we let them be. Some say it’s hard to get, too weird, or causes too much debate. However, if it is the word of God shouldn’t we be reading it?
Overcome the Obstacles
I’m praying that God helps you push past these hurdles so you can get the good stuff out of His Word. Sure, we might not get everything right away, but we’ll definitely understand more than we did before. Each day, God’s Word will seem less weird as you see how it all connects with the rest of the Bible. And yeah, some parts might stir up debate, but that’s okay. It takes guts to face that, but you can do it!
Just Get Started
Join me as we dive into Revelation. We’re not just trying to reach an end where we know it all. Instead, we’re on a journey where every new thing we learn about God feels like a gift from Him. And hey, as we go, you might even feel God’s presence stronger than ever before!
Romans 12:2 says the Holy Spirit will help us figure out what God wants. Grab that promise and start digging into Revelation right now!