An angel hurls the golden censer of fire and prayers on the earth
Justice for Those Who Refuse to Love God and Love Others
God calls us to faithfully love Him and love each other. However, when people refuse this call, they face His judgment. When the Lamb opens the 7th Seal it initiates a series of events that bring justice to those who reject God and harm others.
At the same time, Revelation encourages believers to hold on to their faith, knowing that God hears their prayers and will ultimately care for and protect them. Through faith and love, we can stand with the Lamb, even in the face of great trials.
The Lamb’s Grief
The Lamb, who is Jesus, desires people to love God and love each other. However, not everyone chooses this path. The Lamb grieves when:
- People reject God or close their hearts to Him.
- People commit idolatry, putting other things in God’s place.
- People persecute believers, treating followers of Jesus unfairly.
- People misuse power to hurt weaker people instead of helping them.
- People with wealth ignore the poor, refusing to use their resources to help.
- Religious leaders lead others astray, teaching false things or focusing on themselves.
- People place barriers between others and God, making it harder to connect with Him.
Because of these wrong choices, the Lamb opened the 7th seal on a scroll of God’s judgment. This action set off a series of events that bring judgment on those who refuse to love God and love others.
Recap of Past Chapters
Chapter 6: The First Six Seals
In Revelation 6, the Lamb opens the first six seals of the scroll of God’s judgement. Each seal releases different disasters on the earth. As the destruction grows, people begin to ask, “Who can stand?” because of the overwhelming devastation.
Chapter 7: Who Can Stand?
In Chapter 7, we learn who can stand before God. The followers of the Lamb are the ones who can stand strong. They receive a seal of protection on their foreheads, showing they belong to Him. They also receive white robes, washed in the Lamb’s blood, and carry palm branches, symbols of victory. These believers will always be in God’s presence, where He will care for and protect them forever.
The Opening of the 7th Seal
The 7th Seal and the Seven Trumpets
In Chapter 8, the Lamb opens the 7th seal, marking the start of a new phase of God’s judgment. After the seal is opened, there is silence in heaven for about half an hour (Revelation 8:1). This silence builds anticipation, like a moment of respect before something significant happens. After the silence, seven angels are given trumpets.
The Significance of the Trumpets
In the Bible, trumpets often signal that God is about to take action against His enemies. For example, in Joshua 6, the walls of Jericho fell after the trumpets were blown. Similarly, the trumpets in Revelation indicate that God is preparing to act, but before the trumpets sound, something important must happen.
The Golden Censer and the Prayers of the Saints
Before the trumpets are blown, an angel is given a golden censer filled with incense and the prayers of the saints(Revelation 8:3-5). These prayers rise up to God, asking for justice. Earlier, in Chapter 6, we saw the martyrs—those who died for their faith—asking God, “How long before You avenge us?” (Revelation 6:9-11). These prayers, along with those of other believers, bring about God’s judgment.
The angel then throws the contents of the censer to the earth, triggering thunder, lightning, and an earthquake. This dramatic moment demonstrates that the prayers of the saints are powerful and that God hears them.
The Seven Trumpets and Their Judgments
Each trumpet blast brings a new level of destruction, much like the plagues in Exodus. Here’s a summary of the first four trumpets:
- Trumpet 1: Hail, fire, and blood rain down, burning a third of the earth, similar to Exodus 9:22-25.
- Trumpet 2: A burning mountain is thrown into the sea, turning a third of the sea into blood, echoing Exodus 7:20-25.
- Trumpet 3: A star named Wormwood falls from the sky, poisoning a third of the waters. This mirrors the warnings of the prophets Jeremiah and Amos, who foretold that God would punish Israel for their false teachings, idolatry, and oppression of the poor (Jeremiah 9:15, Amos 5-6).
- Trumpet 4: A third of the sun, moon, and stars are darkened, recalling the plague of darkness in Exodus 10:21-23.
The Three Woes and Jesus’ Warnings
As the trumpets continue to sound, the destruction intensifies with three specific woes—warnings of even greater judgment:
- Trumpet 5 (1st Woe): The abyss opens, releasing countless demonic beings, like swarms of locusts from the Exodus plagues, to torment those who don’t have God’s seal.
- Trumpet 6 (2nd Woe): A massive army from the east kills a third of humanity.
- Trumpet 7 (3rd Woe): The final trumpet announces the coming of God’s kingdom, leading to celebration in heaven. However, it also means the end for those who oppose the Lamb.
The woes remind us of the warnings that Jesus gave in the Gospels. For example, He spoke against cities that witnessed His miracles but did not repent (Matthew 11:20-24). Jesus also issued seven woes to the religious leaders, condemning them for their hypocrisy and for leading people away from God (Matthew 23).
Conclusion: Justice for Those Who Refuse to Love God and Love Others
The message of Revelation is clear: God calls us to love Him and love others. However, when people refuse this call, they face His judgment. When the Lamb opens the 7th Seal it initiates a series of events that bring justice to those who reject God and harm others.
At the same time, the book of Revelation encourages believers to hold on to their faith, knowing that God hears their prayers and will ultimately care for and protect them. Through faith and love, we can stand with the Lamb, even in the face of great trials.
Revelation 5:1-5
Revelation 6:9-11
Exodus 7:20-25, 9:22-25, 10:14-15, 10:21-23
Jeremiah 9:15, 23:15
Amos 5:6-7
Habakkuk 2:20
Joshua 5-6
Revelation 6:9-11
Ezekiel 33:1-6
Joel 2:1
Matthew 11:20
Matthew 18:2-7
Luke 17:1
Matthew 23:13-39
Matthew 26:24
Mark 14:21
Luke 6:20-26