Main Question: Why does the Bible use symbols, including symbolic numbers, and how can it help us know more about God?
Takeaway 1- Symbolic Numbers Are Not a Treasure Map
We shouldn’t take symbols beyond their intended descriptive purpose and use them to tell fortunes or interpret omens. God tells us that His thoughts are far beyond ours and that there are things too “wonderful” for our minds to comprehend. It is prideful to take symbols and think we can use them to unlock all knowledge about our almighty God. This is the same prideful spirit that led Eve to eat the fruit in the Garden of Eden so that she could be like God. The warning about this is clear from Deuteronomy 18:10-12.
Takeaway 2- There Is a Place for Both Literalism and Symbolism
We need to pray for the Spirit to lead us in knowing when numbers are literal and when they are symbolic so that we don’t confuse the two. Sometimes numbers might be totally straightforward and should be taken literally at face value. However, There are times when we shouldn’t take the symbolism too literally or we will miss the point. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you in knowing which is which.