Main Question
What will you do with Christ? Will you choose Him or reject Him? The choice is yours.

Key Takeaway
In the end, it comes down to one choice set before us. Will we chose Christ? Since Christ is the author of life, to chose to be apart from him means death. Our choice is final once we either die or Jesus comes back. Jesus wants to cleanse us of our sins so that we can live with God in heaven forever where “nothing unclean will ever enter”. He wants to make us new. He wants to wipe every tear from our eyes. He wants to dwell with us. He wants to give us eternal life. However, he won’t kidnap us. He also gives us the right to chose to reject Him and chose eternal, spiritual death. “Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, calling o sinner come home”. Come home to the new heaven, the new earth, and the holy city.