Many Christians today struggle with living balanced Christian lives. How do we live out our daily lives while still anticipating Christ’s return? This challenge isn’t new to our generation. In fact, the early church faced similar struggles in living between two worlds.
The apostle Paul addressed this exact tension in Philippians 1:21-24: “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body.”
Two Common Approaches to Christ’s Return
When it comes to Jesus’s second coming, Christians often fall into one of two extremes. Some choose to ignore it completely, focusing solely on their earthly lives. Others become so fixated on His return that they neglect their daily responsibilities. Jesus wants us to honor him in both now and in eternity.
Jesus addressed this balance in Matthew 24. He warned us not to interpret every world event as a sign of His return. However, He never suggested we should forget about His coming entirely.
Learning from the Early Church
The church in Thessalonica provides a perfect case study for this challenge. These early believers became so focused on Christ’s return that some stopped working altogether. Others worried they might have missed His coming entirely.
Paul wrote two letters to address their concerns. These letters, First and Second Thessalonians, offer timeless wisdom for Christians today. They show us how to maintain a healthy perspective while waiting for Christ’s return.
The Fishing Lesson
Let me share a simple story that illustrates Paul’s message. As a child, I used to fish in a small creek that had really small fish. The bites were so gentle you could easily miss them. Because of that I would put tiny bobbers on my fishing line that would go under water when the fish took the bait.
Later on, when my father took me fishing in a big lake with much bigger fish. We were using bigger bait, bigger hooks, and were fishing at greater depths. The problem for me was that we weren’t using bobbers. I told my dad I was worried about missing the fish bites. His response was simple but profound: “Don’t worry. You’ll know. Any fish big enough to hit that bait will put up a big fight.”
This mirrors Paul’s message to the Thessalonians about Christ’s return. Just as a large fish makes its presence known, the day of the Lord will be unmistakable. You won’t miss it.
Signs and Certainties
Paul explained that specific events would precede Christ’s return. One key event would be the appearance of the “man of lawlessness” or Antichrist. This figure would oppose everything Christ stands for and gain significant worldly power.
However, at the height of his power, Christ will defeat him easily with “the breath of his mouth.” The Thessalonians hadn’t witnessed these events, so they couldn’t have missed Christ’s return. The same applies to us today.
Practical Guidelines for Balanced Christian Living
Paul provided clear instructions for maintaining balance in our Christian walk. He emphasized the importance of continuing to work and provide for ourselves. Waiting for Christ’s return doesn’t mean putting our lives on hold.
We should focus on loving others and building up the church community. This includes respecting church leaders, encouraging fellow believers, and maintaining peace with everyone.
Specific Actions That Lead to Balanced Christian Living
- Continue working diligently at your daily tasks. Avoid becoming financially dependent on others unnecessarily.
- Stay firm in your faith while remaining engaged in your community. Minister to others and share God’s love actively.
- Maintain a proper perspective about world events. Don’t obsess over every headline as a potential sign of the end times.
- Focus on personal spiritual growth through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship with other believers.
Here are a few more:
- Don’t worry, you didn’t miss the Day of the Lord. Jesus has not left you behind and he has eternal plans for you!
- Get back to work. Work with your hands so that you will not be dependent on anyone.
- Stand firm in the faith
- Focus on the love of God and the steadfastness of Christ
- Turn to God and away from idols. Yes, we have idols in the modern world as well.
- Stay alert and wait expectantly for Jesus return
- Be filled with hope and joy that Jesus has not forgotten us and is coming back for us
- Minister to others so they can find Jesus
- Abound in love for one another and for all people
- Live quietly and mind your own business
- Walk properly before outsiders to uphold the reputation of Christ and other Christians
- Encourage one another and build each other up, especially the faint hearted
- Respect the leaders of your church
- Be at peace and patient with each other. Do not seek revenge but do good to all
- Admonish the idle to get to work
- Rejoice in the Lord always
- Pray without ceasing. Pray that the word of the Lord may speed ahead and be honored. Pray that we may delivered from wicked and evil men.
- Give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you
- Do not quench the Spirit- Do not despise prophecies, but test everything. Read your Bibles and ask the Holy Spirit to help you test and approve everything in your life according to a correct understanding of scripture.
- Hold fast to what is good, abstain from every form of evil
Prayer and Spiritual Discipline
Paul emphasized the importance of constant prayer and thanksgiving. We should pray for the spread of God’s word and for protection from evil. Regular prayer helps maintain our spiritual focus while engaging in daily activities.
Testing everything against Scripture remains crucial. The Holy Spirit guides our understanding of God’s word. This helps us maintain balance between earthly responsibilities and heavenly anticipation.
Living in Hope
Remember that Christ’s return brings hope, not anxiety. This hope should motivate us to live productive, meaningful lives. We can work, serve, and love others while maintaining our eternal perspective.
Stay alert but balanced. Keep watching for Christ’s return while fulfilling your earthly responsibilities. Focus on loving others and building up the church community in practical ways.
Finding balance between living for today and anticipating Christ’s return isn’t always easy. However, by following Paul’s practical guidance, we can live meaningful and balanced Christian lives that honor God while staying ready for Christ’s return.
Remember that God has eternal plans for you. He hasn’t forgotten or left you behind. Continue in your daily work, love others actively, and maintain your spiritual disciplines. This balanced approach honors God and prepares us for Christ’s return.
Matthew 24-25
Philippians 1:21-24
1st Thessalonians
2nd Thessalonians